September 2023 Vision Awareness Month

Lions across North Carolina are being asked to make September 2023 Vision Awareness Month with a project or information sharing in their communities. Culmination will be Saturday, September 30, the Second Annual Lions Day of Service in North Carolina.

In 2022 Lions in NC held the first event, targeting Hunger, one of the Lions Global Initiatives. Results were reported in pounds of food items collected for local food banks, etc. This year clubs should report the number of people screened etc. in September to Zone Chairs and District Global Service Team Chairs. Top
District totals will be recognized. Clubs are also encouraged to use local social media in
addition to newspapers and other resources to promote the events.

In addition to adult and child eye screenings, events that can be counted towards
those totals would be a Run/Walk for a cause related to eye health, color blindness
screening, handing out information in a public place. There are numerous handouts on
eye health available at

Here are links for a color blindness screening picture:
Adult Screening

Screening for Very Young Children (Do not know their numbers.)

For more information or help on above links, contact Mayra McCloud or call: 931-252-8147.